EU Coalition for Electronics Education
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Mission Statement

Membership Application



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Education Tenets

Appliance Tech Competencies

Appliance Installer


Basic Electronics Competencies

Electronics Installer

CST Competencies

CEST Competencies

WCT Competencies

CSM Competencies

Satellite Competencies

MEST Competencies

Projects In Motion

CSS Competencies

SME Committees



Mission Statement

1. To seek to expand training opportunities and to increase the number of trained technicians in the electronics and appliance service industries.

2. To promote electronics and appliance servicing as a desirable professional career.

3. To promote the electronics and appliance servicing professions.

4. To work with industry and educational groups to improve electronics training courses.

5. To assist both public and private educational systems in assessing electronics education needs.

6. To help mold and standardize electronics training courses to provide needed technical workers for the public good and potential national defense.

7. To seek financial assistance to promote the above six purposes, from industry, education and government within the meaning of Section 501C6 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws.


A. Invite potential stakeholders to discuss the need for an all-industry task force to stem the trend towards a greater technician shortage.

B. Invite potential stakeholders and educators to discuss the need for an all-industry task force to stem the trend towards reduction in training courses for electronics and appliance workers.

C. Incorporate NCEE as an independent not-for-profit corporation as a vehicle for addressing the needs found in A and B above.

D. Adopt Articles of Incorporation and By laws organizational Instruments.

E. Invite interested organizations to become members of NCEE.

F. Establish dues structure.

G. Elect officers and directors and establish methods of operation.

H. Invite all participating groups to join in establishing consensus for skills standards and competencies for each major segment of the industries.

I. Market and promote the adoption of the NCEE standards by educational institutions through a web site, promotional brochures and other marketing methods. Seek funding to accomplish this task.