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 Manager Competencies

Jim Fellows is the Chairman of the CSM Committee - [email protected] 


NCEE is a mission of the trade and professional associations, educational institutions and businesses that make up the electronics and appliance industries.

      The purpose in posting the proposed CATEGORIES and ITEMS list, for a course of study aimed at equipping appliance, electronics, and other service manager workers with skills required to efficiently and profitably direct the operations of a service department, is to seek comments. Comments may be made by anyone interested in helping the service and educational community recognize the content needed for a course of study, a text book, or business management seminar series.

      Comments can take the form of suggesting one or more additional subjects that can be added to the below list. Or, a comment may suggest deleting a category or ITEM, with the notion that one clearly is so closely related to another on the list that the two should be combined. Another type of comment may be simply a better word description of the Category or ITEM, rather than that shown here. 

      Once NCEE participants have reached consensus on this ITEMS list, a new list, verbalizing all of the topics which should be taught, or learned, under each Category and ITEM, will be presented. Again, we will ask your opinion as to the relevancy of each ITEM listed under each of the competencies and the wording.  Finally, after reaching consensus on the ITEMS, CATEGORIES and  COMPETENCIES we will have reached  the end result in a three-step process. This is the second step, obtaining agreement on the individual ITEMS knowledge a CSM must have.

      We ask each group and each individual to become a commenter. We need dozens of Subject Matter Experts to take the previous work the various organizations have done in outlining the Service Manager skills and to combine all of the thinking into one set of standards the electronics and appliance industries can utilize. Because skilled service managers are needed in many other industries, these standards should be universal.

      Where do you send your comments? To the Project Manager for CSM, Jim Fellows, at [email protected]. We hope to gather sufficient comments to complete the Competencies listing by August 1, 2004.

      How do you volunteer to be a listed SME for the CSM project? Just send your e-mail address and name to the same e-address and say 'Count me in on CSM'. 


Certified Service Manager Categories & Items



1.0            Manager Responsibilities & Objectives

            1.1            Qualifications

            1.2            Personnel management

            1.3            Dealing with personal problems

            1.4            Company policies � handbook

            1.5            Interdepartmental cooperation

            1.6            Public relations

            1.7            Financial management

            1.8            Resource usage


2.0       Staff Integrity, Morals, Ethics

            2.1            Company integrity

            2.2            Management ethics

            2.3            Employee ethics

            2.4            Sexual Harassment � Prevention / Training


3.0            Personality Types � Worker Positioning

            3.1            Labor relations

            3.2            Personality types

            3.3            Hiring practices

            3.4            Motivation

            3.5            Diversity / Inclusion


4.0            Personnel Profiles & Job Descriptions

            4.1            Job descriptions & responsibilities

            4.2            New employee orientation

            4.3            Company policies & procedures


5.0       Team Building � Goal Setting

            5.1            Work area responsibilities

            5.2            Delegation of duties

            5.3            Worker cooperation � involvement � time waste

            5.4            Implementing plans

            5.5            Think tanks

            5.6            Goals & expectations


6.0            Employee Motivation

            6.1            Goal Setting

6.2            Coaching

6.3            Counseling

6.4            Measurement and feedback


7.0            Training � Company Meetings

            7.1            Planning � frequency

            7.2            Worker participation

            7.3            Progress reports & Testing

            7.4            Staff training

            7.5            Technician training

            7.6            Product � accessories � service sales


8.0       Hiring � Employment Laws

            8.1            Equal employment � discrimination

            8.2            Job solicitation

            8.3            Trial periods

            8.4            Employment agencies

            8.5            Probation periods

            8.6            Job descriptions

            8.7            Interviewing


9.0            Employee Compensation Systems

            9.1            Hourly

            9.2            Commission basis

            9.3            Profit sharing

            9.4            Stock options

            9.5            Overtime

            9.6            Bonus & Incentive programs

            9.7            Health Insurance plans

            9.8            401K / Retirement / Pension plans


10.0            Customer Relations Policies & Skills

            10.1            Interpersonal relationships

            10.2            Sensitivities

            10.3            Emotions

            10.4            Criticism

            10.5            Personal problems

            10.6            Personal hygiene

            10.7            Dress code

            10.8            Company pride

            10.9            Respect (customer time, property, values)

            10.10          Dispute resolution policies

            10.11          Dispute reduction policies

            10.12          Constructive solutions to problems

            10.13          Proper telephone usage

            10.14          Automated systems

            10.15          Tech availability � communications

            10.16          Employee abuse

            10.17          Company policy � implementation

            10.18          Customer follow-up

            10.19          Computer / Internet  � usage and control


11.0            Service Policies & Procedures

            11.1            Payment verification � all necessary warranty information, etc.

            11.2            Out of warranty estimate policies

            11.3            Technician / customer contact policies (efficiency)

            11.4            Escalation policies (when to move to a higher technical level)

            11,5            Service goals


12.0            Service / Production Area Development

            12.1            Proximity to parts department

            12.2            Easy access to service information (paper and electronic)

            12.3            Easy access to technical assistance (internal, phone, fax, internet)

            12.4            Repair fix database

            12.5            Layout for efficient work flow


13.0     Test Equipment Needs and Procurement

            13.1            Cost vs. return on investment     

            13.2            Sourcing � new or used

            13.3            Quality / complexity vs. price


14.0            Financial Management


Financial Statements

            14.1.1  Profit & Loss

            14.1.2  Balance Sheet

            14.1.3  Cash Flow

            14.1.4  Ratios

            14.1.5  Accounting

            14.1.6  Computerization

            14.1.7  Tax Reports



            14.2.1  Competitive factors

            14.2.2  Philosophy

            14.2.3  Price vs. Profitability

            14.2.4  Pricing Labor

            14.2.5  Pricing Parts

`            14.2.6 Cost effectiveness


            Labor Management

            14.3.1  Productivity Calculation

            14.3.2  Scheduling

            14.3.3  Documenting Employee Expenses

            14.3.4  Managing �Tough Dog� repairs

            14.3.5  Incentive Programs

            14.3.6  Placement of Technicians

            14.3.7  Staff Support

            14.3.8  Chronic Injury or Sickness Claims


            Money Management

            14.4.1  Pricing Guides & Systems

            14.4.2  Invoices � Billing Protocol

            14.4.3  Return on Investment

            14.4.4  Credit Practices

            14.4.5  Bad Debts


15.0            Parts Department Management

            15.1            Pricing & Profit margins

            15.2            Ratios

            15.3            Stocking levels

            15.4            Inventory turns procedure  - - cycle count vs. manual

15.5            Handling of parts returns;  wrong parts, damaged parts failed parts

15.6            Shrinkage

            15.7            Vehicle inventory management

            15.8            Small parts factors

            15.9            Valuation

            15.10          Counter sales transactions  - - profit or hidden burden


16.0            Warranties & Risk of  Liability

            16.1            Calculating warranty service profit or loss

            16.2            Choosing profitable warranty work

            16.3            Updating warranty repair payment schedules

            16.4            Handling warranty parts

            16.5            Analyzing warranty contracts

            16.6            Service contracts


17.0            Contract Negotiation

            17.1            Liability limitations and protection

            17.2            Parts handling allowance

            17.3            Contract cancellation policies

            17.4            Long term vs. short term profits


18.0            Vehicle Procurement & Maintenance

            18.1            Inventory  (Also part of Parts Dept. responsibility)

            18.2            Tools & test equipment

            18.3            Personal use policies

            18.4            Shelves, racks, tool boxes, security

            18.5            Communications equipment

            18.6            Rent vs. leasing

            18.7            Maintenance & security

            18.8            Usage instruction

            18.9            Training

            18.10           Vehicle use reporting


19.0            Advertising & Marketing

            19.1            Advertising definition

            19.2            Marketing definition

            19.3            Service dept. involvement

            19.4            Signage � visibility

            19.5            Types of advertising

            19.6            Marketing methods

            19.7            Business identification

            19.8            Letterhead, business cards, job tickets

            19.9            Invoices & estimate sheets

            19.10          Company policy or product sheets


20.0            Licensing and Certifications

            20.1            Business certifications � CSC, BBB, etc.

            20.2            Staff certifications �CSS, CSM, etc.

            20.3            Technician certification � CET, CSM, etc.

            20.4            Local � state � federal licenses


21.0            Association Memberships / Involvement

            21.1            Business membership benefits

            21.2            Technical membership benefits

            21.3            Association technical help

            21.4            Association business help

            21.5            Participation at seminars & tradeshows

            21.6            Leadership training

            21.7            Industry statistics & averages

            21.8            Peer networking


22.0     Legal Responsibilities

            22.1            Liability

            22.2            Legal counsel

            22.3            Government requirements

            22.4            Industry rules

            22.5            Contract labor

            22.6            Small claims court usage


23.0            Quality Systems

            23.1            CSC

            23.2            ISO 9001

            23.3            ISO 14001

            23.4            Self defined systems � constant improvement


24.0            Security � Building / Inventory

            24.1            Company owned goods

            24.2            Customer owned goods

            24.3            Internal theft

            24.4            Security systems / cameras / recorders


25.0            Insurance

            25.1            Liability

            25.2            Property & Contents

            25.3            Workman�s Compensation & Unemployment Insurance

            25.4            Contract labor employees insurance

            25.5            Vehicle � Liability & Contents


26.0     Safety / OSHA

            25.1            OSHA record keeping / compliance

            25.2            Shop environment practices

            25.3            Service site practices

            25.4            Vehicle hazards

            25.5            Criminal hazards

            25.6            Government regulations

            25.7            Penalties for violations


27.0            Project Management

            26.1            Project definition

            26.2            Delegation

            26.3            Determining staffing needs

            26.4            Orienting the team

            26.5            Measuring progress � results

            26.6            Overcoming roadblocks